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I Have Rodents In My Kitchen Pantry. What Should I Do?
In addition to various pantry moths and other bugs, rodents can also cause a significant amount of damage to the food products that you store in this space. At Bug-Free Pest Control, we offer our clients a wide range of pest control solutions that meet their specific requirements. However, we also encourage our clients always to follow certain steps to keep their kitchen clean and pest-free at all times.
Keeping rodents out of your pantry
If you have rodents in your kitchen pantry, here are some pointers to help you get rid of them and keep them away:
1. Remove everything from your pantry
This is a crucial step, even though it can be a little tedious. Taking everything out of the area you are going to treat, or clean is necessary when you have pest infestations. When you are doing this, keep an eye out for scurrying rodents or signs of these pests in the pantry.
2. Wipe down all the shelves systematically
One of the best ways to keep any pest out of your pantry is to ensure that there are no food scraps or spills on shelves or the floor. Spilt foods such as beans, nuts, flour, pasta, etc., can all attract rodents and other pests. Once you have cleaned that up, wipe down the shelves, so there is no debris on any of them.
The second wipe should be with the use of disinfectant as that helps to remove bacteria which might have built up there. While you are doing this, keep an eye out for rat faeces and as well. Whenever humans enter the pantry the rodents scurry into the corners and hide behind storage bins for shelves. If you notice any signs of faeces etc. in these corners, it would mean that you have active rodents in the pantry.
3. Wipe the floors, walls and corners
Just as you focus on cleaning the shelves and all the visible areas, make sure that every corner of the pantry, including the ceilings and topmost shelves, are cleaned and disinfected thoroughly. This disinfectant can act as a deterrent to rodents as well as other pests like pantry moths, ants etc.
4. Inspect all the packaging and boxes for indications of an infestation
Rodents can gnaw through the toughest of packaging, making it necessary for you to inspect all the boxes that you have stored in the pantry. Look for any evidence that the package has been damaged. Larger holes would indicate that you have rodents in your pantry and you would have to discard those materials and foods. Check the flour bags if you have any as rodents have a way of gnawing through them. It is best to keep these products inside airtight containers and large pantry boxes.
Block Entry Points to the Pantry
Also, make it a point to monitor all the foodstuff that you have stored in your pantry. Rotate the foods and finish out the older stuff first. Try to stock only as much as you need for a certain period. Overstocking the pantry will only encourage more pests such as rodents to live there. If you have a door leading to your pantry make sure that you keep it shut at all times and ensure that there are no other entry points into that area for rodents to come in.
If you want to know more about rodent pest control or need professional assistance, contact us at Bug-Free Pest Control today. You can call 1300 855 548 or use our contact form to get in touch.
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