Real Estate Pest Control Sydney

Australian Run

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Pest Control for Real Estate in Sydney
We offer a full range of inspection & prevention services
When you’re looking to close a deal on a property, it’s best to make sure that you’re not missing any potential problems. Your reputation is staked to your long list of satisfied customers. If someone purchases a property with a surprise infestation of cockroaches, rats, termites, or other damaging pests, they might not give you a 5-star review online.
Call on 1300 855 548 and make sure to mention our website to receive 10% discount off your bill
Bug Free Pest Control can offer a range of pre-sale services that can eliminate the guesswork and anxiety in your real estate transaction. We also offer preventative measures to insure that any future infestation can be properly discouraged.
Real Estate Pest Control Services for all of Sydney

Bug-Free offers real estate pest control service – You can trust on us
At Bug Free Pest Control, all of our staff are fully trained, experienced, licensed and insured. This means that we can guarantee the effectiveness of our services, so you can offer your real estate clients an extra level of security. We cover all of the greater Sydney area, so you never have to wonder if you’re out of our range.