Granny Flat Pest Control Sydney
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Granny Flat Pest Control & Termite Barriers
Granny Flats are easy target for termite and other pest infestation
Termite Chemical Barriers are an imperative advance in order to drastically reduce the level of danger of assault by underground termites on timber-based structures. Granny flats have become progressively mainstream in the past few years. They improve the general estimation of the property and provide a private space for your elderly parents. These granny flats rarely come with the original home plan, so homeowners usually include it at a later date when they have space in their property. However, before you endeavor to build a granny flat, you need to ensure there is a termite barrier in place.
A termite barrier is a physical or chemical barrier between the soil and the concrete slab and wooden framing of the property.
Soil naturally contains termite and regardless of the amount you attempt to treat the soil and kill the existing termites, the pests will return and cause problems in the granny flat in the long run.
These problems will spread to other areas of your property and cause significant amount of damage.
People frequently neglect to install termite barriers in granny flats and are forced to deal with frequent infestations and expensive repairs for a long time. You will have to regularly apply topical termite control solutions in order to keep your property safe and that can prove to be expensive in the long run.
We offer several options that can help prevent termites and other vermin from ever reaching the new building:
1. Physical Barriers
2. Chemical Barriers
3. Reticulation Systems