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Pest Control SydneyHow To Get Rid Of Possums

Possums, also known as opossums, are nocturnal marsupials known for their adaptability and scavenging behaviour. While they play a role in the ecosystem by consuming pests and insects, having possums invade your property can be a nuisance.

If you find yourself dealing with possum-related issues and wondering how to get rid of them effectively, this article is for you. We will explore various humane and effective methods to discourage possums from frequenting your space and provide long-term solutions to keep them at bay.

Understanding Possum Behavior

Before delving into the methods to get rid of possums, it is essential to understand their behaviour. Possums are primarily attracted to areas with readily available food, water, and shelter. They often seek out human residences and gardens due to the abundance of food sources such as fruits, vegetables, and pet food.

What Are The Environmental Factors Attracting Possums

Possums are attracted to various environmental factors that offer them suitable living conditions, food sources, and safety. Some of the key environmental factors that attract possums include:

  • Food availability: Possums are opportunistic feeders and are drawn to areas with abundant food sources. They primarily consume fruits, leaves, flowers, and insects. Gardens with fruit trees, vegetable patches, and bird feeders can be particularly attractive to possums.
  • Water sources: Like all creatures, possums require access to water for drinking and hygiene. Areas with accessible water, such as ponds, streams, and even open containers, can attract possums.
  • Shelter and nesting sites: Possums are nocturnal and need safe places to rest and raise their young during the day. They may seek shelter in trees with hollows, dense vegetation, and sometimes, in roofs or attics.
  • Vegetation cover: Possums prefer habitats with plenty of trees and vegetation, as it provides both food and shelter. Forested areas, urban parks, and gardens with thick vegetation can be appealing to them.
  • Lack of predators: Possums are vulnerable to predators like dogs, cats, foxes, and owls. They are more likely to thrive in areas where these threats are minimal.
  • Quiet and undisturbed surroundings: Possums are generally shy and prefer quiet, undisturbed areas. They may avoid places with frequent human activity or noisy environments.
  • Climate: Different possum species have specific climate preferences. Some prefer temperate climates, while others may thrive in tropical or subtropical regions.
  • Urbanisation: Some possum species have adapted well to urban environments due to the availability of food, water, and shelter in residential areas.

Possum pest control

How To Get Rid Of Possums

Dealing with possums can be challenging, but it’s essential to handle them humanely and effectively. Here are some steps to help you get rid of possums:

  • Remove Attractants – The first step in possum control is eliminating anything that lures them to your property. Securely store trash cans with tight-fitting lids, as possums are opportunistic feeders. Additionally, clear fallen fruits, nuts, and birdseed from your yard regularly. Remove any water sources like leaky hoses or birdbaths that might be attracting possums.
  • Identify the possum’s entry points- Inspect your property to locate any holes, gaps, or openings that possums might be using to enter your home or yard.
  • Seal Entry Points – Possums are skilled climbers and can access even seemingly inaccessible areas. Inspect your property for any gaps, holes, or cracks in the walls, roof, or foundation. Seal these entry points with strong materials like sheet metal or hardware cloth to prevent possums from finding their way in.
  • Use Motion-Activated Lights and Sound –Possums prefer dark and quiet places. Install motion-activated lights and sound devices around your property to deter them. Bright lights and sudden noises will startle possums and make them think twice before returning.
  • Utilise Natural Repellents – Certain scents and tastes are unpleasant for possums and can be used as natural repellents. Sprinkle cayenne pepper, garlic powder, or vinegar around areas they frequent. Alternatively, soak rags in ammonia and place them near their entry points. Remember to reapply these repellents after rain.
  • Keep your yard tidy: Possums like to hide in overgrown vegetation and clutter. Trim bushes, mow the lawn regularly, and keep the area around your house neat and tidy.
  • Use strong-smelling repellents: Certain smells, such as ammonia, garlic, or vinegar, can be off-putting to possums. Soak rags or cotton balls in these substances and place them strategically around the affected areas.
  • Employ Beneficial Predators – Introducing natural predators like domestic dogs or cats can help keep possums away. However, this method might not be suitable for everyone, especially those with pets of their own.
  • Build a Fence – Constructing a sturdy fence around your property can be an effective long-term solution. Use hardware cloth or wire mesh and ensure it is at least 4 feet high, with the top angled outward. This design makes it difficult for possums to climb over.
  • Live Trapping and Relocation – If other methods fail, consider live trapping possums and relocating them far from your property. Ensure you check local regulations before doing this, as some areas might have restrictions on relocating wildlife.

Natural Possum Repellents ( How To Get Rid Of Possums Humanely)

To repel possums naturally, you can try using the following methods and substances:

  • Mothballs: Possums dislike the smell of mothballs. Place them strategically around areas where possums are frequenting, but be cautious as mothballs can be toxic to pets and children, so keep them out of reach.
  • Pepper and Chili Sprays: Possums are sensitive to strong smells, including pepper and chili. Create a spray by mixing water with crushed red pepper or chili powder, and spray it around areas you want to protect.
  • Garlic: Possums are known to dislike the strong smell of garlic. You can crush garlic cloves and spread them around your garden or near potential entry points.
  • Ammonia: Possums are averse to the smell of ammonia. Soak rags or cotton balls in ammonia and place them in areas where possums are causing problems.
  • Predator Urine: You can find predator urine (e.g., from coyotes or foxes) at some garden centres. Sprinkling this around your property may deter possums.
  • Ultrasonic Repellents: Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant to possums (and some other pests) but are not audible to humans. These can be effective in keeping possums away.
  • Motion-Activated Lights and Sprinklers: Possums are nocturnal creatures and are startled by sudden bright lights or bursts of water. Install motion-activated lights or sprinklers in your garden to deter them.
  • Trim Trees and Bushes: Possums are skilled climbers. By trimming back branches that provide easy access to your roof or home, you can make it more difficult for them to find entry points.
  • Remove Food Sources: Possums are attracted to food, so make sure to secure trash cans, bird feeders, and pet food at night.

Remember that while these natural repellents can help, they may not provide a foolproof solution. If possums are causing significant issues or damage, it’s best to consult with pest control professionals.

Avoid using lethal methods

It’s essential to remember that possums are protected in many regions and killing them without proper permits is illegal. Additionally, using lethal methods can be inhumane and should be avoided.

Possums are adaptable creatures, so getting rid of them might take some time. Be patient and persistent in your efforts, and make sure to address all potential entry points and attractants.

Use Professional Possum Removal Services provided by Bugfree

If you’re dealing with persistent possum issues and natural repellents haven’t been effective, it’s time to consider seeking professional help. Bugfree offers specialised possum removal services to address these problems safely and efficiently.

Bugfree’s team have trained and experienced pest specialists who understand the behaviour and habits of possums. They can identify entry points, nesting areas, and the best removal approach. Our team doesn’t only just remove the possums; we also address the root cause of the issue. We will also help identify and seal entry points to prevent future infestations.

After the possums are removed, we will work with you to implement preventative measures to keep possums from returning.

Remember, it’s essential to act promptly when dealing with possums, as they can quickly multiply and cause more significant problems. With Bugfree’s professional you can rest assured that your possum issues will be handled effectively and responsibly.

How Much Does It Cost to Remove Possums?

The cost of removing possums is around $250 however, it can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the infestation, the location of the possums, the method of removal, and the service provider you choose.

How to Prevent Possums From Returning

Preventing possums from returning involves making your property less attractive and accessible to them. Here are some effective measures you can take:

  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect your property for any gaps, holes, or openings that possums could use to enter. Seal these entry points with sturdy materials like metal mesh or caulk to prevent re-entry.
  • Secure Trash Bins: Possums are attracted to food sources. Use animal-proof trash bins with tight-fitting lids to prevent possums from accessing food scraps.
  • Remove Food Sources: Avoid leaving pet food or birdseed outside overnight. Clean up fallen fruits, nuts, and food debris regularly.
  • Trim Trees and Bushes: Possums are skilled climbers, so keep tree branches and overhanging vegetation at least 6-8 feet away from your roof to prevent easy access.
  • Use Motion-Activated Devices: Install motion-activated lights or sprinklers in areas where possums have been spotted. The sudden bursts of light or water will startle them and discourage return visits.
  • Keep Gardens Protected: Use fencing around gardens and flowerbeds to minimize damage caused by possums.
  • Eliminate Hiding Places: Remove clutter, tall grass, and debris from your yard, as these can provide hiding spots for possums.
  • Repellents: Continue using natural repellents like pepper sprays, garlic, or ammonia around areas prone to possum activity.
  • Predator Decoys: Some homeowners find success in deterring possums by placing fake predators like owl or hawk decoys in their gardens or on their rooftops.
  • Keep Pets Indoors at Night: If you have outdoor pets, bring them inside at night. Possums can be drawn to pet food left outdoors.
  • Trim Roof Overhangs: Possums can use low-hanging branches and vines to gain access to your roof. Trim these back to limit their pathways.
  • Consult a Professional: If you’ve had persistent possum issues, consider consulting a wildlife removal professional for expert advice and additional measures to prevent their return.

Remember that possums are opportunistic creatures, and making your property less inviting will likely encourage them to seek food and shelter elsewhere. By taking proactive steps and using a combination of preventive measures, you can reduce the likelihood of possums returning to your property.

Dealing with possums can be challenging, but employing the right methods can help you reclaim your space.

If you have any questions or facing any possum problems in your home, contact us at 1300 855 548 or by filling out this form. We have licensed and trained pest control specialists at BugFree Pest Control who can eliminate possums inside your home quickly. You can count on us to do a professional job in clearing your home of possums and all other pests.

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